104 Branch Chief of State and Provincial Road Maintenance Snow and Ice Challenge in DIY Making Work (Trabzon – Turkey)
Kar ve buzla mücadele ile bakım yapım onarım işleri yapılması.

Mavişehir Coastline Improvement Works (İzmir – Turkey)
Construction of a 1500 passengers/day public wharf and a 240 m floating concrete pier for smaller boats.

Görele Deep Sea Outfall and Partial Sewerage Network (Giresun – Turkey)
Construction of a 1500 passengers/day public wharf and a 240 m floating concrete pier for smaller boats.

Amasra Port Cruise Pier and Small Boat Berthing Places (Bartın – Turkey)
Construction of a 1500 passengers/day public wharf and a 240 m floating concrete pier for smaller boats.

Helaldı Yenikent Fishing Shelter (Sinop – Turkey)
Ödemiş Organize Sanayi Bölgesinin altyapı inşaatı.

Ödemiş Organized Industrial Zone Infrastructure Construction (İzmir-Turkey)
Infrastructure construction of Ödemiş Organized Industrial Zone.

ÇLİ Çan Enterprise 1-G Strata Over-Burden Stripping (Çanakkale – Turkey)
Undertaking of 3.315.905 m3 stripping work.

Eastern Black Sea Natural Gas Pipeline Project (Phase-2) (Trabzon, Gümüşhane – Turkey)
Survey, mechanic and construction undertakings of 70 km.s of 18" and 12" steel natural gas pipe pipeline, pig stations, valving...

Turkey – Greece Natural Gas Pipeline Project (Phase-1) (Çanakkale – Turkey)
Mechanic and construction undertakings of 100 km.s of 40’’ steel pipeline, pig stations, valving and take-off valve installment for Anatolian...