Construction of Cizre, İdil, Kumçatı and Kasrik Municipalities’ City Roads (Şırnak-Turkey)
Total of 111,2 kilometers of road's earthwork, subsurface structures, plantmix subbase, plantmix base and asphalt concrete pavement are contracted under...

ASAT3 / W4 Manavgat Wastewater Collection System Construction Work (Antalya-Turkey)
Within the scope of Sustainable Cities II Project, construction of 36 kilometers long sewer system; their manholes and parcel connections;...

Tarlaağzı Fishermen’s Shelter Repair Construction (Bartın-Turkey)
Tarlaağzı Fishing Port repair works.

Amasra PortBreakwater Repairment (Bartın – Turkey)
Repairment of main breakwater andconstruction of observation terrace along the breakwater.

Kastamonu Province Azdavay District Dereli Village Derelitekke Stream (Kastamonu – Turkey)
Kargir duvar, betonarme menfez ve tersip bendi yapımı işidir.

Karabük Yenice District İncedere Improvement (Karabük – Turkey)
Concrete gravity walls and levee construction works.